Servogear powering innovative wind farm vessel
Ship owner Njord Offshore and the shipyard Penguin International LTD has chosen ...
Controllable pitch propellers - the perfect match for electrical vessels
According to shipyard Brødrene Aa high-efficiency, controllable pitch propellers are the ...
Camera inspection safeguards your gearbox
Servogear provides visual inspection of your gearbox with an advanced, high definition ...
One step closer to emission-free fast ferries
Functional requirements, and not detailed specifications, are important for the industry ...
Servogear secure order for two windfarm support vessels
The Servogear Ecoflow Propulsor TM will again provide supreme bollard push capacity and ...
Servogear power the world´s first plugin hybrid fast-ferry
In April 2019 the world’s first diesel-electric hybrid fast-ferry ‘Fjordled’ entered ...
Great potential for energy-efficient propulsion systems in the Pacific Northwest
Servogear recently visited North-America where growing environmental awareness trigger ...